About Us
MAJ Casting was founded by Carlos H. Miranda in 1996. Born and raised in Peru, Carlos immigrated to the United States after completing his college degree in Business Administration in 1991.
Soon he began learning the art of manufacturing while being employed at many of Rhode Island’s well-known jewelry factories. He bought books & instructional videos and spent most of his free time studying mold-making in his basement, usually in the early morning hours.
In 1994 he worked two-shifts at two different companies. At his second shift job he was employed as a mold-maker. The mold-maker who worked the first shift at that time would choose to do all of the “easy” jobs, and leave the more difficult jobs for Carlos. And today Carlos credits this to his expertise.
With the birth of his daughter in 1996, Carlos became inspired to follow his American-Dream and to start his own business. While it was difficult at first, he soon enjoyed much success and ran an operation with 40 people. However, when production-sourcing shifted overseas, he was forced to relocate and downsize.
When business was at its slowest point he was working only by himself and Carlos kept his head above water by emphasizing the principle that all of his work was performed at the highest possible level of quality.
Thankfully, within the past three years domestic production work started slowly trickling back and his small operation is growing once again, but the emphasis on quality is a value instilled in each person who works with him today.
We are proud to manufacture all of our products in the U.S.A.